Saturday, March 27, 2010

Search continues for South Korean sailors after sinking

1,200-ton patrol ship was on patrol when it sank Friday at 9:45 pm. No one knows why the ship sank, so it is still under investigation. On board were 104 sailors, 58 of those sailors have been rescued. The search for 46 missing sailors continues in very cold temperatures and dangerous waters. It is being suspected based upon the location of the ship sinking that North Korea my have played some role in the sinking. But officials are down playing the incident and don't want to jucmp to conclusions.

North and South Korea are still enemies and I think that something like this is just what either of them needs to fight the other. They need a reason and they will find one. Even if this sinking was a complete incident people in the back of their mind are still probably thinking that is was North Korea trying to sabatoge them. They need to play it safe and make sure this situation doesn't turn into something bigger.

Man says dad's order got him out of accused killer's truck

The case of the "Clinton Avenue Five" may have finally been put to rest. After nearly 32 years Lee Anthony Evans and Philander Hampton were arrested on 5 counts of murder as well as arson. The night of August 20, 1978 Evans came by in his truck and picked up a bunch of teenagers. Roderick Royster was the sixth teen that ended up getting out of the truck because his father told him to. The teenagers later went missing and it was recently discovered that Evans and Hampton had taken the five teenagers to an abandoned building and burned them inside.

This is such a tragic story, but it shows that if you just listen to your parents they might actually be saving your life. Also I think that its good the case was finally solved. It gives the families closure and will hopefully end in the punishment in the doer of the crime. Sometimes it seems a little ridiculous that cases remain open and under investigation for that long but I think its only fair to the family and friends of the victims to solve the case and let them what happened.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Health Care Reform

Basically the health care reform bill provides health care for 32 million Americans who were previously uninsured. This also offers many more plans for the future. For example, people can no longer be denied if they have a pre-existing condition, abortion will not be covered, seniors will get fifty percent off of their name brand prescriptions, etc. There are many things that this bill covers and it will cost an enormous $940 billion dollars over ten years. The way in which it will be payed for is through taxing the people.

I personally don't like the health care reform bill. Yes, it helps a lot of people out that don't have health care but for those that do it does nothing but cost them more money. We live in a society where we all think that everything should just be handed to us for no cost, and its wrong. People need to learn that they have to work for what they want. If you want health care, work for it and buy it. Its ridiculous that people have been paying for health care for years and now all of sudden its free? It doesn't work that way and it shouldn't work that way. We need to take responsibility and action for our own health. We can't sit around waiting for someone else to foot the bill, its not fair and its wrong.

Gates eases ban on gays in the military

It was announced by Defense Secretary Robert Gates that enforcement will be eased on the "don't ask, don't tell" policy. This is a policy that restricts the United States military from investigating the sexual orientation of an individual and prohibiting them from serving in the military. By repealing this policy it gives certain ranked people the power to reveal the sexual orientation of a military member.

I don't think that this is a step in the right direction. First of all I may not totally agree with homosexuality, but that shouldn't keep people from fighting for their country. Nobody's allowed to discriminate certain nationalities from serving in the military so why should homosexuals be discriminated against? I find this to be wrong based on the fact that they are people. And hey, if they want to fight for their country let them do it.

Purported Bin Laden message hints at retaliation

A recent audio message sent to the United States from Bin Laden threatened another attack on Americans. The reason that the al Qaeda leader is sending these messages is because of the prisoners that we hold. Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, is being held for trial here in the United States for his actions that took part in the September 11th attack. Bin Laden threatens that if we execute Khalid Sheikh Mohammed they will retaliate by executing Americans.

I find this information very alarming because it hasn't been the first message that we have received from Bin Laden. There have been several messages sent prior to this one. We need to crack down on security and ensure that something like September 11th never happens again. We don't want history to repeat itself. Americans need to be aware of whats going on and the government needs to take action. For now these are just messages, but we as citizens of the United States don't want these threatening messages to become reality.

Saturday, March 13, 2010

More Democrats come out against health care bill

Four Democratic Representatives: Ben Chandler of Kentucky, Luiz Gutierrez of Illinois, Stephanie Herseth-Sandlin of South Dakota and Heath Shuler of North Carolina have come out and said that they will not be voting for the health care bill. Currently all of the republicans are opposed to the bill and in order for the bill to not be passed they need 38 democrats to vote against it. Of the 39 democrats that voted against the House plan only 14 have remained against the bill whereas the others are uncommited or have not replied. A total of 216 votes are needed to pass the bill. Right now it looks like its going to be close.

I find it interesting that sometimes it its neccesary for the parties to cross over and side with the other party. I like that not everyone has the same views in one party and so there is that cross over when it comes down to voting upon different policies and bills. I feel that the voting in this final step for the bill will be a close one and should be very interesting to watch.

MIT researchers discover new energy source

At MIT scientists have discovered a new energy source. The way it works is carbon nanotubes are covered with a thin layer of fuel. This creates a reaction that gives off a mini "thermo-power wave". Scientists have found that this technology could be used in the future for making batteries and other electronics like computers and cellphones. Also, because of the amount of energy output batteries would become much smaller and also this technology wouldn't have any energy drainage like the batteries we use today so they would be much more environmentally friendly.

I find this to be a great discovery. We should be trying to find better ways in using our resources to maximize the benefit from them. This technology is defianately significant in the way we look at the energy sources that we use now. In the future we will be more friendly to our environment and the benefit we recieve the product will be much better as well. I'd say its a win-win situation. In my opinion we need to look for more ways in which we can do this.