Thursday, March 25, 2010

Health Care Reform

Basically the health care reform bill provides health care for 32 million Americans who were previously uninsured. This also offers many more plans for the future. For example, people can no longer be denied if they have a pre-existing condition, abortion will not be covered, seniors will get fifty percent off of their name brand prescriptions, etc. There are many things that this bill covers and it will cost an enormous $940 billion dollars over ten years. The way in which it will be payed for is through taxing the people.

I personally don't like the health care reform bill. Yes, it helps a lot of people out that don't have health care but for those that do it does nothing but cost them more money. We live in a society where we all think that everything should just be handed to us for no cost, and its wrong. People need to learn that they have to work for what they want. If you want health care, work for it and buy it. Its ridiculous that people have been paying for health care for years and now all of sudden its free? It doesn't work that way and it shouldn't work that way. We need to take responsibility and action for our own health. We can't sit around waiting for someone else to foot the bill, its not fair and its wrong.

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