Thursday, April 22, 2010

Naps boost memory, but only if you dream

A new study suggests that a nap may boost the ability to process and store information. But this is only if you dream while you're asleep. When you dream, your brain is trying to look at connections that you might not think of or notice when your awake. While dreaming the brain tries to figure out what information is important and what it should keep or get rid of. They have even found as they monitered brain activity in sleeping students that it doesn't even need to be a deep sleep. Although the deep slumber known as rapid eye movement (REM) is most closely associated with dreaming, the students' dreaming and learning occurred after as little as one minute of non-REM sleep.

I find this to be very interesting and helpful. Because I am a student I am constantly tired and have difficulty in study and remembering information. This researh could be helpful in the ways in which I will conduct my studying and sleeping habits.

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