Thursday, April 29, 2010

Issue #2- Boosting the Minimum

The issue behind minimum wage is whether it is high enough or if it should be raised. Many people argue that it needs to be increased for many different reasons. The biggest reason being that people cannot live off of minimum wage and therefore live in poverty. On the other side of the spectrum there are poeple saying that there are ways in which these people are being helped. Things such as government transfer payments: welfare, food stamps, social security, etc. Also, there are different regulations that are put into place, such as The Federal Minimum Wage, which ensures that people are making enough money to live on. Most people also have the perspective that the majority of the people working minimum wage jobs are teenagers, and that most of them aren't having to support a family.

I think that the minimum wage should not be increased. Most people don't take into consideration the ways in which increasing minmum wage would affect our economy. Prices of goods and services would increase tremendously resulting in more job cuts. And I feel that keeping the minimum wage low helps push people towards getting an education and becoming a skilled worker. This in turn only benefits our economy. If the minmum wage was somewhat high people would skip college and settle for a job at Buger King because the pay isn't half bad. Representative John Kline says that with an increase of minimum wage "it will leave recent economic growth dead in its tracks".

Issue #1

Issue #3

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