Monday, May 3, 2010

Authorities to release new video in Times Square probe

Earlier there was a video released showing an image of a man changing his shirt along a New York street. The man was balding dark haired man and was seen removing his shirt and putting it in a bag before walking away out of the camera's view.Authorities looking for clues in this failed Times Square bombing attempt are expected to release another video in the case. An officer on the case said a video obtained from a tourist shows a person "running north on Broadway." Investigators are also evaluating a video that was released less than 24 hours after the incident by the leader of the Pakistani Taliban. It has raised questions about whether militants could have been behind the attempted bombing.

I don't think that this attempted attack on Times Square had anything to do with the Taliban. They are just trying to make it appear as if they had a hand in it. This attempt is very scary to think about. Thankfully it was an amateur attempt but we should not take this lightly. What if it had been detrimental? New York needs to up its security and make sure that it never happens again.

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